Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Warm Bodies

I forgot I didn't write anything about this one.   I got it from the redbox a while back and endeavored to watch it on a day when I took a 2 hour lunch.  I love zombie movies, but I wasn't sure how I felt about this zombie horror-comedy.  It was no Shaun of the Dead, but it wasn't unwatchable either.

I was shocked to see the kid from About a Boy all grown up and handsome!  To me he will always be Marcus with the dorky sweater and bad haircut.

I think this movie needed more Malkovich.  He is good, as he always is, but not in it enough.

The movie centers around R. who is a zombie.  I did like the voiceover from his POV, of a 'zombie' who has some recollection of being alive.  He finds and saves Julie (? Get it....like romeo and juliet...oh, clever lol) ...after eating her boyfriend and stealing his memories.  I didn't quite get this part.

I'm tired so I'm not going to really recap it further.  It was worth watching, has some cute moments,  I like the soundtrack, and the idea of the zombies being able to "come back" and be human again.  Even if it doesn't make sense when I think of every other zombie movie ever made.

I rented it for the Malkovich, but I stayed for the zombies!

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