Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Burn After Reading

Burn After Reading was a strange movie.  I liked it, but when it was over, I thought to myself (in an Osbourne Cox voice) "whaat the fuuuck?"
I won't even try to recap it or type a synopsis.  If you've seen it, you've seen it.
These are my thoughts:

1.)  Brad Pitt is really funny in it.  I had never seen a Brad Pitt movie before and didn't realize he could be funny.  He made me LOL, particularly during the phone call scene and the car scene.

2.)  I still hate George Clooney.  Seriously, he is terrible.  He overacts the hell out of his role and I have no idea if he was supposed to overact, or if he just sucks that bad.  I'm going with the latter,  but I am blessedly unfamiliar with Clooney's work.

3.)  Malkovich.  Is.  The. Man.  I love him in this!!  Every scene he is in is epic.  From the opening scene, to the crazy final scene.  He made me laugh.  And no other man could make a bathrobe look sexy.  It just can't be done.

I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch this, but it wasn't the movie's fault.  It's just that I'm tired by the time the house is quiet and still enough for watching a movie to become a reality for me.  I picked up where I left off the following day, and must say I enjoyed it.

Except the ending which kinda sucked.  Did they just decide they had gone as far as they could with this story and should stamp a "shit happens, the end" onto it?
Because that's how it seemed.

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