Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Of Mice and Men

It makes sense to me to first share my thoughts on the first JM film I ever saw.  I happened upon Of Mice and Men on tv one night.  I was around 14 years old.  I had never been so moved by a film.  The story is so bleak, really the entire story is just sad.  And it spoke to the loneliness I felt inside.  Both then and often now.  I loved JM's portrayal of Lennie.  I felt for this character.  I felt for George.  I cried at the end. 
Immediately, I got a copy of the book.  Typically I would never see the film first, then read the book, but that is the way it happened.  And John's portrayal of Lennie helped me to visualize the character.  I could "hear" the dialogue.  It made the reading mean so much more to me.  I got a lot out of that book and it is one of my favorites to this day.

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