Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I first found out about John Malkovich when I was 14 years old and happened upon Of Mice and Men.   I loved his portrayal of Lennie.  I went and read the book and felt that his acting gave me a point of reference for the dialogue,  I could more easily imagine his mannerisms and it brought a lot of depth to the reading.  Usually that doesn't happen when you see the movie before reading the book.

After that,  I discovered Dangerous Liaisons.  Which by all rights probably warped my fragile little teenage mind.  He was so hot in that,  there is no other word to describe him.  

Well, okay,  there are plenty of other words,  but I was a teenager and all I thought was "wow this guy is so hot he even makes 18th century Parisian wardrobe look sexy!"   He possesses this indefinable charm,  t
here is something really...almost intoxicating about his voice.  He is fascinating on screen.  And, I'd imagine on stage, though I've never had the pleasure.

Fast forward more years than I am comfortable discussing...I am now 28 years old and the love and appreciation for JM has never gone.  I recently said goodbye to my Direct Tv and got Netflix and a few of the other streaming movie services (well...the free ones!).   The first actor I looked up was Malkovich.   I was immediately struck by just how many movies he has been a part of.   Some of them I have seen, years ago, some of them I have never seen.   I decided it would be fun to go through the list and try to see every movie he has ever acted in.   I'm making some progress!

Some of them are proving a bit hard to find,  Shadow of the Vampire for example, is not available anywhere unless I purchase it.  So there will be no real rhyme or reason for the order in which I choose these movies.  I'll probably write up what I thought about each one...because I'm sure random people really give a damn about my opinion lol.

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