Saturday, April 13, 2013

In the Line of Fire

Another one I have absolutely nothing sarcastic or snarky to say about.   Well, aside from it appearing very dated while still in the modern world.  If that even makes sense - it is not a period piece,  yet anything that was created in the 90s feels so, so old now.  Which makes me feel so, so old :(
There were a few times while watching this where I thought "If that were happening now, Mitch Leary would be traced so quickly.  Anonymous would have taken care of him days ago."

He would have been communicating his threats via Reddit or something.
*note,  I do not actually use Reddit and am totally unfamiliar with the site,  but it is late and I am struggling to think of something clever to say.   Really that's no different from any other time of the day though lol.

I really enjoyed this movie.  Clint Eastwood is fantastic in it.  John Malkovich is fantastic in it - am I going to say anything different about him?  If I'm being fair,  while he is a great actor and I feel like he is incapable of a "bad" performance...some of his movies are better than others.   But some of his characters are better written than others,  I think, is the main thing to take away from that.   I know Mitch Leary was a terrible person,  but he was also terribly compelling,  and Malkovich played him extremely well.   I loved all the phone conversations and the eventual face to face encounter with Eastwood. 

The story is straightforward enough for even someone like me to follow without little question marks appearing all around my head.   I appreciate that in a film!   Straightforward,  highly engaging,  well acted, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

Um.  Except the very ending and that random conversation about brown pigeons vs. white pigeons.  Who are you,  Clint Eastwood,  to judge a pigeon's actions and reaction times based on the color of his or her feathers?   That's just going too far.

GREAT film though.  I can't believe I had never seen it before.  Might have something to do with me being elementary school age when it came out!

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