Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Making Mr. Right

5 minutes in:  I love this movie.  I don't usually make snap judgements like this, but it seems so quintessentially 80's and I love anything 80s.  I wish I had been old enough to appreciate the decade.  I was only 3 years old the year this movie came out (1987). 

Malkovich hasn't even appeared onscreen yet and I already love this movie.  Although I visibly cringed when the female main character got out of her car and walked across a public sidewalk barefoot.  OMG GROSS ME OUT.

Back to the movie.

Ok, a few thoughts.  I really don't know why I've never heard of this movie before?  Also,  I'm not a fan of blonde hair...even on Malkovich, apparently.  But still...if it were possible, I'd purchase a Ulysses and opt for brown hair or no hair ;)  Not sure why the filmmakers went with blonde for his look.  Also not sure why they went with blue contacts?  I suppose to make him look All-American?   Or Aryan...

I really enjoyed this movie, start to finish.  It is funny and clever and despite being totally 80s, it manages to avoid feeling dated-in-a-bad-way.   John Malkovich is so, so lovely in this one. 

I was really touched by Jeff switching places with Ulysses and going into space for 7 years for him.  I felt bad for him because he was so backward, and thought maybe this was equal parts kind gesture and escape for him.

This is an enjoyable and underrated movie :)  

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