Monday, April 1, 2013

Ripley's Game

Sociopaths can be sexy.

So I've got a bottle of 7$ Duplin, it is movie night for me, and I have selected Ripley's Game based upon the trailer alone.  It was a toss up between this one and RED.  With Mary Reilly as a close 3rd.

What I've learned so far:  if John Malkovich tells you to leave his papers alone, you fucking leave his papers alone.  And definitely don't draw your weapon, or he will beat your ass with a fire poker without batting an eye.  He does. not. play.  Leave the man's stuff.  alone.

He's just made some shady deal with some shady people, or not so much a "deal" I suppose, as him getting 1.2 million of their dollars and them getting nothing.  He has a "business partner" who is really just a fat, ghetto English guy (the type who pronounce 'nothing' as 'nuffink') and he effectively terminates their friendship or business relationship or whatever connection they had.

Now he's in Italy and it's 3 years later and he's buying a harpsichord?  I guess?  Well ok.   Now he's having sexy piano time with some girl, I'm assuming this is Ripley's wife or girlfriend. 

Now he's at a party at the neighbor's house.  He walks in on all the neighbors talking shit about him and how he has bad taste and has ruined the huge mansion he lives in. He overheard EVERYTHING and he's not very pleased.
Jesus, I hope these people don't have a fireplace.

The neighbor, Jonathan, who invited him to the party and has done the bulk of the shit-talking is all "Ohhhhh Tom, we're so happy you're here!' Blah blah, and every statement he makes,  Malkovich answers with "Meaning....?"  in a total psycho voice. 

So Mr. Ripley comes home and some fat English guy is there.  He calls Ripley a beautiful man, they exchange the European style double cheek kiss, and I gotta say, I felt a twinge of "wish that was me".  Apparently these men aren't friends though.  Is it the same ghetto English man from the beginning of the film?  Yes it is.

And this dumbass is pissing Ripley off,  he's telling the cook how to make eggs, and now he's randomly flung egg onto what looks to be a very expensive couch.
OH GOD, RIPLEY'S GOING NEAR THE FIREPLACE, watch out, fat ghetto Englishman!!
Ripley's like "what do you want?"
The fat ghetto Englishman wants Ripley to take out his neighbors. Ripley sends him away but appears to be thinking it over.

Now Ripley is in bed, sewing.  Kinda hot.  His wife reveals to him that the a-hole neighbor from the party, is dying of cancer.  You can see that Ripley's wheels are turning.  He calls the ghetto Englishman (who is apparently named Peter Reeves, but I like 'fat ghetto englishman' better)  the next day, to tell him he has found the right hitman for the job...

-and now I'm actually gonna put the phone down for a bit and watch without stopping every few minutes-

Ok, so this wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it is acted well.  It was engrossing.  So engrossing that I didn't really notice the many, many implausible things that took place.

I don't even want to recap it that much.   A lot of craziness transpired.  I am not at all convinced Ripley was a sociopath in this movie.  He seemed to care what happened to his neighbor?  He seemed to genuinely love his wife?  I don't see sociopath in that.  Jerk, yes.  Murderer, yes.  Sociopath...not seeing it as much.

I never saw The Talented Mr. Ripley, but from what I've read, these are two totally unrelated stories so it doesn't matter.  Malkovich is amazing in this.  I loved him.  He is best when playing these cunning, manipulative types.  The rest of the actors...well, to be honest, I didn't really notice any of them, his acting eclipsed everyone else.

Best/funniest quote from the entire movie:  "Hold my watch, because if it breaks I'll kill everyone on this train."

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